At first sight the amount of data on this CD-ROM may seem more than one can easily handle. We have provided several tools so that you can search for your favorite files in a number of ways...
On Location...
I personally enjoy the use of On Location for searching for my files. If you do not have On Location, you can purchase it from AMUG by sending $32.00 ($119.00 retail) to AMUG, On Location Special Offer, 4131 N. 24th Street #A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016 or by calling your favorite mail order house.
With On location you simply type in a portion of a key word you are looking for and the word will be found either in one of the text databases or an individual file. You may then copy the selection to your hard drive for use.
FileMaker Pro 2.0...
Filemaker Pro users can take advantage of our new file information database, which displays the file name, path, version, size, date and description. This 6 meg file can be found in the Exclusives! folder.
PD PigOut!
This GREAT HyperCard interface for the AMUG CD-ROM can be found in the exclusive folder. You can search for files on the CD-ROM for key words. You may also copy the file to your drive with this stack. PD PigOut! is a commercial product provided by AMUG.
Show Info...
On the CD-ROM desktop you will find a utility called Show Info. This tool, by AMUG, will allow you to drag and drop files on it under System 7. Once a file is dropped on this utility it will display the BBS in a BOX description(s) for that file or group of files that are dropped on it. System 6 users can launch it and open files for this same function. This tool is great to check the description of a file before you decompress it. As a special treat we have updated this tool to show a preview of all Art, Fonts, and QuickTime files in the files folder. Now you can see that font before installing it!
Text Searches...
Should none of the approaches above meet your needs you will find text files containing directories on each section in their appropriate topic folder, in the Files folder on the CD-ROM. You can use your favorite word processor or text editor to view these files, or you can use the Edit DA in the Exclusives:Directory Tools:Text Directory folder to view the allfiles.db text file. This text file is 3 megs and contains a listing of all of the files in the files folder.
Volume X contains Compactor compressed files. Compactor is located in the Files:Unstuffer: folder. You may also want to use Stuffit Expander which is a drag and drop System 7.0 decompression tool.
Remember that the CD-ROM is a locked drive, so all decompression will need to be done on your hard drive.
More Stuff...
There are thousands of files available on this CD-ROM and you will really have to go exploring to find them all. Apple tools and great BBS tools are provided in the Goodies section. All the Apple Tech Notes are on board and info on AMUG is in the AMUG Info Folder. Apple Licensed software for distribution by User Groups is in the AMUG Info:Apple Lic. folder. Look around and have fun!
Here is a simple Map of the layout:
AMUG Info - This folder contains the AppleLink notices, Apple Licensed software by MUG's, AMUG information stacks listing software available, news stacks, BBS info and much more AMUG inside info.
CD Setup - If you run a BBS this folder contains linking instructions and directories for 6 different Mac BBS's.
Exclusives - This folder contains PD PigOut, the FileMaker Pro database, Directory Tools and Get Info for navigating through BBS in a BOX. You can actually copy the file from the CD-ROM to your drive after you locate your choice.
Files - This folder contains the twenty-four topics of software and the thousands of files available in BBS in a BOX. Text files on each folder are provided by date, name and tab delineated for your use.
Sysops - This folder contains great tools for sysops running a BBS.
Support the Authors!
If you have additional features you would like to see added to “BBS in a BOX”, please feel free to write or call us. We are interested in making the world of public domain and shareware easily understandable to the Macintosh public.
AMUG spends thousands of hours creating the BBS interface on this CD-ROM. Any charge for this CD-ROM is solely to support the creation of the BBS interface. No fee is charged to download any of the shareware and public domain files provided on this CD-ROM.
Only by supporting the shareware authors and sending in the requested shareware fees, will this type of software distribution continue. If you decompress a file and find it useful, please pay the shareware fee if you continue to use the program. When users are dishonest with the authors, they become soured on the shareware market and may stop updating their programs, publishing new programs, or they sell their products commercially. Thanks again for supporting Shareware and Public Domain authors!